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Amherst, NY - January 24, 2022 - 2:40 pm - For Immediate Release

To Whom It May Concern:

As Chairman of the Amherst Republican Committee I salute Village of Williamsville Mayor Deb Rogers for her support in advocating for individuals and business owners to have a choice as to whether or not they institute mask and/or vaccine requirements.

Deb Rogers is a woman of courage, strength and she stands for less government intrusion.

Correctly, Mayor Rogers wants "We the People" to make decisions for themselves and their families. As Thomas Jefferson stated: "That government is best which governs least. "

Respectfully submitted by:

Brian D. Rusk

Chairman, Amherst Republican Committee


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I want to thank all the hard-working members of the Amherst Republican committee, including our campaign team for their efforts to support our campaign. Without your help we would not have done as well as we did. I would also like to thank all the residents who took the time to speak with me. You gave me invaluable insights into various issues facing different parts of the town. Since my race has not been decided yet, I cannot say whether or not I will be your councilmember, but if I am elected, I will always listen to your concerns and do my best to resolve them. – Ray.

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To Whom it may concern:

As Chairman of the Amherst Republican Committee I salute Village of Williamsville Mayor Deb Rogers for her support in advocating for individuals and business owners to have a choice as to whether or not they institute mask and/or vaccine requirements.

Deb Rogers is a woman of courage, strength and she stands for less government intrusion.

Correctly, Mayor Rogers wants "We the People" to make decisions for themselves and their families. As Thomas Jefferson stated: "That government is best which governs least. " Respectfully submitted by: Brian D. Rusk

Chairman, Amherst Republican Committee

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